Featured Clients: Y.G. and Toby George


Toby George and VictorThere are some people who firmly live out their beliefs in giving back to the community. Our client and friend, Toby George, is one of them. Although we met Toby as a result of the tragic death of her brother, Victor Sims, it was an honor to represent her and her family.

Toby and Victor experienced the passing of their mother in 1992 from AIDS. Although Victor knew that Toby was his sister, at the age of five he asked if he could call her his mother, and she was known as his mother for the remainder of his life. Toby took the calling very seriously and raised Victor alongside her husband Y.G. Nyghtstorm, and their six children.

After Victor’s death, Y.G. founded the Victor Sims Foundation and was joined by Toby and Mr. Orlando Hall who was also a father figure in Victor’s life. The Victor Sims foundation assists in bringing families together. The foundation supports children who wish to become first responders. It introduces students to current first responders and also offers a scholarship program. Through events such as “Family Fun Day” and “Celebration of Fathers,” the Victor Sims Foundation brings families together while establishing and building up the family structure. The foundation also assists families monetarily who have lost a child. The mission of the foundation comes from Victor’s love of family and desire to be an Atlanta firefighter.

The Victor Sims Foundation is not the only way that Toby and Y.G. give back. Toby is also the creator and co-developer of Luminous Life Frames which help companies and families display their most cherished life events and memorials of loved ones. Y.G. has gone on to become a motivational speaker and author who helps people understand how to deal with adversity in their lives. Toby and Y.G. both have their own talk radio show together, where they discuss some of life’s most difficult situations and how to overcome them in a positive way.

For more information on the Victor Sims Foundation and on Y.G. and Toby’s talk radio show you can visit www.victorsimsfoundation.org and www.nyghtstorm.com.

Victor’s family has done a wonderful job at carrying out his legacy and we are grateful to have met and worked with them.

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The Cooper Firm

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