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The FDA keeps a close eye on the new caffeine added in foods and gum

The FDA keeps a close eye on the new caffeine added in foods and gum

Most people would say they need an extra caffeine kick everyday with their busy lives. Food companies are now catching on to the concept that coffee and soda companies have captured long ago in effort to expand the market. Efforts such as snacks like potato chips, jelly beans, and gum with caffeine in it are all being tested right now. Wrigley introduced a new gum called “Alert Energy Gum” that promises “the right energy, right now.”

The Food and Drug Administration have had a close eye on these products and their safety. They are especially looking at the effects of these products on children. The FDA agency has already been testing energy drinks and shots as a result of the deaths and illness most likely caused by them.

Michael Taylor, who is the FDA’s deputy commissioner of foods, said that in the 1950’s the FDA explicitly approved the added use of caffeine in food or drinks for sodas. The addition of caffeine to food is “beyond anything FDA envisioned,” he said. “We’re concerned about whether they have been adequately evaluated.”

Although most of these companies have stated that these products are for adult use only, many candy products and gum are appealing to kids. Many medical associations have warned that too much caffeine can be very harmful to children and even adults.

The FDA is looking to take action since there were over 92 reports over the span of  four years of illnesses, hospitalization, and deaths from the consumption of 5-hour-energy and Monster Energy Drink. Once they are able to link the deaths to the consumption of the drink they will be able to force the companies to take them off the market.

Source: The Associated Press, “FDA will investigate added caffeine in foods,” Mary Clare Jalonick, April 30, 2013.

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