Protect Your Teen Drivers with the “5 to Drive” Campaign

Safety First - The Cooper Firm

Protect Your Teen Drivers with the “5 to Drive” Campaign

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is launching its “5 to Drive” campaign again this year for National Teen Driver Safety Week.

The campaign works to encourage parents to talk to their teen drivers about rules for the road in hopes that teens will drive safe. Car crashes are the leading cause of fatalities in teens 15 to 19 years old. In 2013, 2,614 teen drivers ages 15-19 were involved in fatal crashes. By having open conversations with your teenager, you can potentially save their life.

The campaign, which runs from October 18-24, 2015, addresses five of the most dangerous and deadly behaviors for teen drivers. The campaign aims to help parents as they talk to teens about these five issues. Here are the “5 to Drive” rules for parents to discuss with their teens:

  1. No drinking and driving. Nearly one out of five young drivers’ ages 15 to 19 that are involved in fatal crashes had been drinking, even though they were too young to legally possess or buy alcohol.
  2. Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time. Front Seat and Back Seat. Of all young passengers and teen drivers who died in car crashes, 64% were not restrained.
  3. Put it down. One text or call could wreck it all. The age group of 15 to 19 year olds has the highest percentage of drivers who were distracted by cell phones use and died in a car crash.
  4. Stop speeding before it stops you. In 2013, almost one-third or 29 percent of teen drivers who were involved in fatal car crashes were speeding.
  5. No more than one passenger at a time. The risk of a fatal crash goes up for teens with each additional passenger.

NHTSA hopes with the launch of the campaign that parents will be encouraged to talk to their teens about these rules and the consequences of not following them. Parents can do little when their teen is on the road alone, but they can equip them to make wise decisions. Be sure to share the word about the “5 to drive” campaign and the facts behind it. NHTSA’s website has even more detailed information and statistics about the five rules which you can read here

If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, contact our law offices today for a free consultation.

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