What is a Statute of Limitations?

Marietta product defect attorney

What is a Statute of Limitations?

If you are interested in pursuing a lawsuit, you may have heard the word ‘statute of limitations’ thrown around and are not sure what it means. A statute of limitations is the deadline or maximum period of time you have to file a lawsuit. In Georgia, for a personal injury claim, the statute of limitations is two years. In some circumstances the statute of limitations can be extended such as when the hurt or injured party is a minor or the party has a disabilities or mental illness. If you are unsure of what the statute of limitations is for your case or you are in a different state, make sure to check out your states website or contact an attorney.

If you feel that a lawsuit has been filed against you outside of the statute of limitations or it is expired, it is up to you to alert the court. In medical malpractice claims it is important to ask an attorney when the period starts running for the statute of limitations.

When the statute of limitations has expired for your accident, then a lawsuit cannot be filed and not much can be done for your case. That is why it is very important to contact an attorney very quickly after the incident or accident occurred, so that they can further assist you on what action you should take next.

If you, a family member, or friend, have any questions regarding a personal injury claim or the statute of limitations, feel free to contact our attorneys at 770-427-5588 for more information.

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