Featured Client: Leah Giammarva – Taking it Day by Day


Featured Client: Leah Giammarva – Taking it Day by Day

Leah GiammarvaLeah was severely injured in a car accident in 2012 as a result of a defective vehicle that lacked proper safety devices. Although her injuries have restricted her to a wheelchair, they have not diminished Leah’s positive outlook on life.

Leah was only 19-years-old at the time of her accident, with her whole life ahead of her. Instead of speaking about how the accident has impacted her life in a negative way, Leah shares how beneficial it has been in changing her perspective on life. She takes nothing for granted now. Although being in a wheelchair is sometimes uncomfortable and brings its own set of challenges, Leah has handled it with grace and humility. Things such as using the restroom, putting on her clothes, and taking showers were hard to do at first, but now those things are second nature to Leah.

Her difficult circumstances have also pushed her to pursue new goals, such as going to school to get a degree in biology and psychology. Leah shared that she wants to help others through therapy. She has art and music skills that she has thought about applying to therapy. She feels that her story will help her connect with patients. Leah also has a goal to move out on her own soon.

Leah’s story speaks to anyone who is struggling with overcoming an obstacle.  “You have to take it day by day,” Leah shared. Each day you build up more strength to face tomorrow. “Everyone has struggles that seem daunting and make you see life differently, but it doesn’t have to be bad. One day you look back and you see how far you’ve come.”

We are very proud to know Leah and are privileged to have handled her case for her.

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The Cooper Firm

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