Lead Scientist For Gardasil Speaks Out About Negative Side Effects Even Potential Death

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Lead Scientist For Gardasil Speaks Out About Negative Side Effects Even Potential Death

Questions are flying after the lead researcher for Gardasil spoke up about the risks, benefits and aggressive marketing associated with the vaccination. Dr. Diane Harper, the lead researcher in human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine development and director of University of Minnesota’s Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group, was asked to speak at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination with the expectation that she would promote the vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix. Instead of promoting the two vaccines, Harper revealed several eye opening facts and the scheme behind having young girls vaccinated with them.

Dr. Harper reported that Gardasil was tested on 15-year-old girls but is now commonly being given to girls who are as young as nine. She believes that parents should receive more warnings of the risks before they are pushed to make their daughters receive the vaccination. Harper went on to explain that 90 percent of HPV infections resolve themselves in two years, and that about 70 percent of the time the infections are resolved in under a year. With cervical cancer cases being so low in the United States, having everyone take the vaccines will not decrease the cancer rate, and if so, only by a minimal amount.

When looking at Harper’s reports and explanation, it looks as if the risks of the vaccination outweigh the benefits. During a 2007 interview, Merck’s big push to have young girls vaccinated was just “a great big public health experiment.” Merck tried to have the vaccine mandatory in public schools. In response, Harper tried to get every form of media possible to pick up her story and no one would take it.

Some of the negative side effects seen since the vaccination was released in 2006 are brain inflammation, seizures, blood clots, paralysis, lupus, Guilliane Bare Syndrome, and others. There have even been 44 deaths attributed to the vaccine that were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The vaccine Cervarix was just approved for use in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration in 2009. Although it has not been used in the U.S., it has been linked to over 2,000 cases of serious reactions in Australia and Europe. There was even a case of a girl passing out and dying just one hour after taking the vaccine.

The marketing that Merck put out gave women and girls a false sense of safety. Harper shares, “The future expectations women hold because they have received free doses of Gardasil purchased by philanthropic foundations, by public health agencies or covered by insurance is the true threat to cervical cancer in the future. Should women stop Pap screening after vaccination, the cervical cancer rate will actually increase per year. Should women believe this is preventive for all cancers – something never stated, but often inferred by many in the population- a reduction in all health care will compound our current health crisis. Should Gardasil not be effective for more than 15 years, the most costly public health experiment in cancer control will have failed miserably.”

Please consider and do your research before you receive or allow your daughter to receive this vaccination. The risks are serious. Hopefully, more awareness will be raised about this scheme.


CBS, “Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out,” Sharyl Attikisson, August 29, 2013.

AboutLawsuits.com, “Gardasil Safety Concerns Renewed by Japan Investigation of HPV Vaccine,” Irvin Jackson, July 8, 2013.

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