My child is a victim of cyber bullying – What now?

Safety First - The Cooper Firm

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is more common among teens than ever before. With the rise of social media and internet use among teenagers, there are so many different outlets for children to be bullied. It is something that no previous generation has ever experienced. According to the Harford County Examiner around half of teens have been the victims of cyber bullying.

Encourage your child to be open with you about what they are doing on the internet. Only 1 in 10 teens tells a parent if they have been a cyber bully victim, which can leave parents in the dark while their teen is hurting. Make sure that your teen knows that being bullied is not their fault.

If your child is being bullied, make sure to communicate with your child’s school. You can also report cyber bullying to online providers where the child was bullied. It often violates the terms of service provided by the social networks and internet providers.

In some cases, where there are threats of violence, child pornography, invasion of privacy, stalking or hate crimes parents or the victim should report it to the police immediately. You can look at your state’s laws to see what is illegal or what cyber bullying is considered a criminal action. If your child has been injured do to a technology predator or has been injured after threat through the internet, the best thing to do is seek medical attention and then contact an attorney to help you protect your rights.

There are some situations where the technology service providers do not take precautions to keep their subscribers safe from sexual predators or internet stalking. If this is the case and you have been injured, contact our law offices today for a free consultation.

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The Cooper Firm

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