Georgia raid could open the door to medical malpractice suit

Georgia raid could open the door to medical malpractice suit

When people typically place someone they love into a personal care home, they expect the people involved in their care to be qualified to care for their loved ones and their medical needs. However, a recent raid on Georgia personal care homes proved some places just are not what they seemed. What the raid unleashed may open the door for families to file medical malpractice suits against those involved.

According to a recent news report, new legislation in Georgia set higher penalties for anyone operating illegal personal care facilities. This law and an investigation led to the raid that resulted in two locations being deemed as an unlicensed personal care home. Two owners were arrested and charged at the locations.

Police and news reports cite stories of senior citizens who were bedridden and whose needs may have been neglected. Food was also reportedly not accessible to the seniors who were at the facilities. The police stress that they want the raid to be a warning to others in the personal care industry that they are investigating cases such as this.

When someone operates a personal care home under false pretenses or without the proper licensing and qualifications, the seniors in their care are put at risk. Any care given to the seniors may have put their health in jeopardy. The families involved in this case may have cause to file a medical malpractice suit against anyone who treated them medically at the personal care home. Georgia civil courts may find the unlicensed personnel negligent and financially responsible for any health issues that arose or where made worse by not receiving proper medical attention.

Source:, “Police raid personal care homes across DeKalb Co.,” Ryan Young, March 7, 2013

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